Wednesday, October 8, 2008


"Now may THE LORD OF PEACE HIMSELF give you peace at all times in every way." 2 THESSOLONIANS 3:16. HIS Peace is a Peace not comprehendable, immeasurable, indescribable, sure and True. Peace on Earth will never be until we know HIM and accept HIM, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, as our Lord and Savior. There is no way around it. There are absolutely no other words to express this clearer. Accept HIM today as YOUR LORD and SAVIOR so you can live; and not just live, live fully, and live eternally. There is no greater peace than HIS peace. There is no other place to get it but to and from HIM in order to get HIM or GOD, THE FATHER. We pray for your salvation and for your surrendering to this pure and simple Truth. Amen.

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